Pittsburgh Council previously a member of American Youth Hostels | |
To provide inexpensive educational travel, intercultural understanding, and an understanding of the natural environment through hostels, hostelling, and outdoor recreation. |
Alabama 800-252-2262 Montana 800-541-1447
Alaska 907-465-2010 Nebraska 800-228-4307
Arizona 602-542-8687 Nevada 800-638-2328
Arkansas 800-NATURAL New Hampshire 800-FUN-IN-NH
California 800-862-2543 New Jersey 800-537-7397
Colorado 800-433-2656 New Mexico 800-545-2040
Connecticut 800-282-6863 New York 800-225-5697
Delaware 800-441-8846 North Carolina 800-847-4862
Florida 904-487-1462 North Dakota 800-435-5663
Georgia 800-847-4842 Ohio 800-282-5393
Hawaii 808-923-1811 Oklahoma 405-521-2409
Idaho 800-635-7820 Oregon 800-547-7842
Illinois 800-266-6632 Pennsylvania 800-847-4872
Indiana 800-289-6646 Rhode Island 800-556-2484
Iowa 800-345-4692 South Carolina 800-346-3634
Kansas 800-252-6727 South Dakota ???-???-????
Kentucky 800-225-8747 Tennessee 615-741-2158
Louisiana 800-334-8626 Texas 800-888-8839
Maine 800-533-9595 Utah 801-538-1030
Maryland 800-543-1036 Vermont 802-VERMONT
Massachusetts 800-447-6277 Virginia 800-248-4833
Michigan 800-543-2937 Washington 800-544-1800
Minnesota 800-657-3700 West Virginia 800-225-5982
Mississippi ???-???-???? Wisconsin 800-432-8747
Missouri 800-877-1234 Wyoming 800-225-5996
Washington DC 800-422-8644
These numbers were checked in February 1996. However, if you know of any corrections, changes, or additions, please use our Comments/Questions page to let us know.
"To provide inexpensive educational travel, intercultural understanding, and an understanding of the natural environment through hostels, hostelling, and outdoor recreation."
Pittsburgh Council | Activities Program | Comments/Questions
This page was last updated January 21, 2006