Pittsburgh Council previously a member of American Youth Hostels
To provide inexpensive educational travel, intercultural understanding, and an understanding of the natural environment through hostels, hostelling, and outdoor recreation.


For free travel information on states you plan to visit, call any of the tourism department numbers below. Most will provide road maps, travel guides, and brochures on most popular attractions and destinations. Many also have special information packages for cycle touring. Links are also provided to Web Pages for the state tourism departments where possible.

Alabama        800-252-2262         Montana          800-541-1447
Alaska         907-465-2010         Nebraska         800-228-4307
Arizona        602-542-8687         Nevada           800-638-2328
Arkansas       800-NATURAL          New Hampshire    800-FUN-IN-NH
California     800-862-2543         New Jersey       800-537-7397
Colorado       800-433-2656         New Mexico       800-545-2040
Connecticut    800-282-6863         New York         800-225-5697
Delaware       800-441-8846         North Carolina   800-847-4862
Florida        904-487-1462         North Dakota     800-435-5663
Georgia        800-847-4842         Ohio             800-282-5393
Hawaii         808-923-1811         Oklahoma         405-521-2409
Idaho          800-635-7820         Oregon           800-547-7842
Illinois       800-266-6632         Pennsylvania     800-847-4872
Indiana        800-289-6646         Rhode Island     800-556-2484
Iowa           800-345-4692         South Carolina   800-346-3634
Kansas         800-252-6727         South Dakota     ???-???-????
Kentucky       800-225-8747         Tennessee        615-741-2158
Louisiana      800-334-8626         Texas            800-888-8839
Maine          800-533-9595         Utah             801-538-1030
Maryland       800-543-1036         Vermont          802-VERMONT
Massachusetts  800-447-6277         Virginia         800-248-4833
Michigan       800-543-2937         Washington       800-544-1800
Minnesota      800-657-3700         West Virginia    800-225-5982
Mississippi    ???-???-????         Wisconsin        800-432-8747
Missouri       800-877-1234         Wyoming          800-225-5996
                                    Washington DC    800-422-8644

These numbers were checked in February 1996. However, if you know of any corrections, changes, or additions, please use our Comments/Questions page to let us know.

"To provide inexpensive educational travel, intercultural understanding, and an understanding of the natural environment through hostels, hostelling, and outdoor recreation."

Pittsburgh Council | Activities Program | Comments/Questions

This page was last updated January 21, 2006